How To? -
The Hardwood Floor Borders and Medallion Inlays
Although it might look simple to use a hardwood floor border or medallion at a
first view, it could be different, in reality. ---Why?
Because obtaining a succesful work in the end requires a certain experience,
designing a plan consisting of a scale 1:1 drawing, evaluation of sizes,
location, wood species selection. Then a texture simulation to see how it looks
way before we cut the first piece of wood.
When you decide to use such a product for your next or current wood floor
keep in mind that it should be a choice for generations. We see nowadays
works executed in the early 1900, that are restored and not only have a good
craftsmanship but, some, have a very good aesthetic. Although today's
engineered have a thiner wear layer we still have the solid wood floor
options which should be the first choice when it comes to using border or
medallion inlays.
It is a traditional work (old school), that allows a long life through many
refinishings. And, I suppose a lower cost, in the end.